A CompAir compressed air system utilising the latest technology provides an energy efficient solution at lowest life cycle costs. The air purity is defined in international standard ISO 8573-1 (2010) and can only be achieved with filtration, water separation and drying. The use of clean dry compressed air ensures high levels of reliability, guarantees that quality standards are met and can reduce production costs.
Condensate Treatment
The convincing concept for condensate discharge The electronically level-controlled condensate drains from CompAir are the industrial standard for reliable ...
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Nitrogen Generators
CompAir offers an ideal solution with a comprehensive range of cost effective nitrogen generation systems from compressed air, that enable users to produce ...
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Compressed Air Filtration
The reliability of compressed air filtration is paramount to the ongoing fight against problems caused through contamination entering the air system. The CompAir ...
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Compressed Air Dryers
CompAir offers a full range of energy efficient and environmentally friendly dryers, such as refrigerant dryers, heatless and heated desiccant dryers
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